Nahid Bin Azhar
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I am a software engineer and an entrepreneur. It is my passion to develop technology and solve problems. After working in the software industry over 12 years, I started my entrepreneurial journey. Now I'm the Partner and Director of Technology at JoulesLabs. JoulesLabs builds products that people loves, and we're currently working on SaaS applications using Shopify APIs. I enjoy learning new technologies and skills, as well as teaching others. My experience includes developing web applications with PHP and Laravel, TypeScript, and AdonisJS frameworks. Furthermore, I have experience with Go, NodeJS, Docker, Nginx, Caddy Server, Kubernetes, JWT, oAuth, SwoolePHP, Redis, PostgreSQL, and MySQL databases.

I am passionate about open-source communities as they provide opportunities for learning from other people's work. Additionally, it allows me to contribute back to the community by creating my own projects that can be used by others. Also, I am a top PHP open-source contributor in Bangladesh.

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The topics I love to discuss are programming, PHP, Laravel, Shopify App Development, philosophy, and the lifestyles of developers. Stay connected with me by subscribing to my mailing list.