

Nahid Bin Azhar, a software engineer, and entrepreneur. I am passionate about developing technology and solving problems. I have been working in the software industry for over 12 years and currently, I am running my own software business and working on a SaaS product based on Shopify API. I am passionate about learning new technologies and skills, as well as teaching others. I have experience in building web applications using PHP and Laravel, TypeScript, and AdonisJS frameworks. I also have knowledge of Go, NodeJS, Docker, Kubernetes, SwoolePHP, PostgreSQL, and MySQL databases. 

I am passionate about the open-source community because it provides opportunities to learn from other people’s code and ideas. It also gives me the opportunity to contribute back to the community by creating my own projects that can be used by others. I’m also a top PHP open-source contributor in Bangladesh.

I was born in Barishal, Bangladesh, and spent much of my childhood there. My dad is a Primary Teacher and my mom is a House Maker. In 2009, I moved to Dhaka and currently live here.